
The Talent Historical Society (THS) values and serves everyone in the community and is committed to providing safe and equitable access to our museums and all our historical society services. THS will not tolerate racism, harassment, discrimination, or intimidation in any form.

La Sociedad Histórica de Talent (THS) valora y atiende a todos los miembros de la comunidad y se compromete a brindar un acceso seguro y equitativo a nuestros museos y a todos los servicios de nuestra sociedad histórica. La THS no tolerará el racismo, el acoso, la discriminación ni la intimidación en ninguna forma.

Talent Historical Society
Wins An Award

The Talent Historical Society (THS) was recognized through Oregon Heritage Commission for a superb job on documenting the impact and recovery from the Almeda Fire in the Talent/Phoenix area through an exhibit, a book, and a blog, all in both Spanish and English. THS won one of 12 Project Excellence Awards throughout the state in April 2024. Awards are given out every two years.

Talent Historical Society receives Grants from the following sponsors

Talent Business Alliance Grant
The Talent Historical Society (THS) would like to recognize and give thanks to the Talent Business Alliance (TBA) for the grant that allowed us to promote and hold a special Grand Opening event for the Almeda Fire Exhibit and Book Launch. This event was held on April 29, 2023. Besides giving us the means to promote and hold this event, TBA gave us opportunities that have increased our capacity as a small non-profit and helped create a path to future successes, working together with other businesses and non-profits in Talent.

Jackson County Cultural Coalition
This year, 2024, the Talent Historical Society received a $2600 grant to help us provide art, music and drama for our monthly “Night At The Museum presentations”. The grant helps us make learning local history more entertaining and it supports local artists and musicians. Thank you JCCC!

Pacific Power Foundation Grant
A $4000 grant was received by the Talent Historical Society from Pacific Power foundation toward the special program, “Celebrating Talent's Heritage with Drama, Music, and the Arts”. These funds have gone toward paying artists and musicians performance fees for “Night At The Museum” programs. The bulk of the funds are going to the production of a Radio Drama, Escape From Oregon: John Beeson’s Story. John Beeson is a major figure in Talent’s history and his adventures in advocating for the native p=people of the rogue Valley are told in this dramatic production of the town’s history. We appreciate PPF’s support so much!

City of Talent
TPAC recommended our Almeda Fire project to the city and the City of Talent generously donated $1500 for the layout and design of the book documenting the Almeda Fire, and another $2000 to help with translation of the text into Spanish. Thank you, City of Talent!

Oregon Cultural Trust
Time to celebrate!! THS has received a $8,451 grant from the Oregon Cultural Trust (OCT) which will fund the exhibit for the Almeda Fire Documentation Project. This will allow THS to purchase new cases for the exhibit and new portable wall panels. Yes, the exhibit will be portable in parts. It will start at the Talent Museum and work its way to the City Hall, the Library, and the schools in Talent, then on to other locations in Jackson County and the State of Oregon. In addition to that, we have been chosen by OCT as a featured project. There will be feature stories about our project on the website “Here is Oregon”, in the Oregonian, and on the Oregon Cultural Trust Facebook page.

______________________________________________________________________ GKime Collection: aharvest