Local History Curriculum
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Then and Now Lessons Flip Book Then and Now Curriculum Flip Book for the Community
Flip Book

New Local History Curriculum for Home or School Use
The Oregon Heritage Commission and the Jackson County Cultural Coalition have granted funds to the Talent Historical Society (THS) to develop a local history curriculum and two new exhibits for Elementary School children, their families, and the community at large. Since school is closed for the remainder of the school year, THS staff members have worked very hard to make the first unit. “Talent Elementary School: Then and Now” available on this website. An exhibit on “The History of Schools in Talent” is in the making and hopefully will be available to the public once the Talent Museum is open again.
Images of an oversized book, made by revered teacher Genevieve Holdridge, and her 3rd grade students from 1956-1966, documenting the school and the town during that time period have been used as a basis for this curriculum. The book is referred to as the “Flip Book” in the lessons, because it originally hung on a rack so that children could flip the large pages as they went through the book. Three copies of this large book have also been made with the funds. One is at the museum, and the other two will be placed at Talent Elementary School next fall.
The images of the pages relevant to the Talent Elementary School are available here on the website to go along with the various lessons. This is a fun way to learn about our community from 1956 to 1966 and compare it to the present day. The lessons include interviews, games, mapping skills, artifacts and activities, such as making a time capsule, playing jacks and marbles. THS hopes this is a blessing for children and their families as they finish out this school year at home, or during this coming summer.
Talent Elementary Then and Now Lessons
Flip Book Pages for Talent Elementary Then and Now Curriculum
Flip Book Pages for the Community
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